How Your Niche Finds You
Argh? I'm trapped in a prison... in a box 💢😠
Pick your Niche and pick it now! Feeling stuck in a niche can feel like being trapped in a box—small, suffocating, and limiting. You might have been told to "pick a lane," but what if that lane feels more like a dead-end? Many new coaches wrestle with the fear that choosing a niche means shutting out parts of themselves, squeezing their vast knowledge and passions into a rigid container. But what if your niche isn’t meant to be a box at all? What if it’s something more fluid, expansive, and uniquely you?
Common Niche Struggles
- "Trapped in the box, my ideas feel caged instead of free."
- "This narrow niche feels more like I'm stuck in a corner"
- "Stuck in a box, I’m building walls instead of bridges."
- "The box defines my business, but it doesn’t align with my vision."
- "I chose a niche, but it feels like the box chose me."
How Your Niche Finds You
If you're a new coach struggling to “find your niche,” you’re not alone. The pressure to pick the perfect focus can feel paralyzing. But what if I told you that niching isn’t about getting it right the first time? It’s more like dating—an exploration of energy, alignment, and commitment rather than a rigid box that traps you.
You don’t need to confine yourself to an energetic box 📦—choose a sphere or circle ⭕ instead, one that allows you to roll forward, gain momentum, and expand your niche with flow and freedom."
Your Niche Isn’t a Cage—It’s a Relationship
Think about dating. You don’t start by expecting to marry the first person you go to dinner with. Instead, you explore, learn, and get curious about what feels aligned. You notice how different connections bring out different sides of you. Some relationships energize you, while others drain you.
Your niche works the same way. It’s a relationship with the people you serve, the problems you solve, and the transformation you offer. It’s a dance of energy—your own lived struggles and learnings create a unique frequency that attracts the people who need what you’ve mastered.
What’s Your Energetic Theme?
Your struggles aren’t just hardships; they are the curriculum of your soul. They shape the wisdom you now offer. Look at your past challenges:
- What patterns keep showing up?
- What emotional and energetic themes run through your biggest transformations?
- What have you mastered that others are still struggling with?
Your niche isn’t just what you do; it’s why your energy resonates in a specific way.
For example:
- A coach who overcame burnout might feel called to help high achievers find balance.
- Someone who navigated deep self-worth wounds may be drawn to self-love coaching.
- A practitioner of multiple healing modalities might unify them into a unique, holistic experience for clients.
Choosing a Niche is Like Choosing a Partner
Committing to a niche doesn’t mean you’ll never evolve. Just like relationships, niches grow, shift, and deepen. But at some point, you move from “dating” every client under the sun to showing up with real commitment. That’s where the magic happens.
- You stop worrying about whether it’s the “perfect” choice and instead show up with full presence.
- You go all in on learning, refining, and deeply serving your ideal clients.
- You trust that the right people will be drawn to you because your energy is aligned.
Go All In and Let the Rest Flow
A niche isn’t a label—it’s an energetic frequency. When you fully commit to a direction, the universe moves to meet you there. You’ll attract the right people, refine your message, and build momentum.
So stop waiting for perfection. Choose the niche that lights you up the most right now. Date it. Explore it. And when you feel the pull to commit, go all in.
Because the clients who need you? They aren’t waiting for perfection. They’re waiting for you to show up.
Reimagining Your Niche: From Box to Sphere
If "niche" feels like being pigeonholed in a box, consider reimagining it as fitting into a "sphere" instead.
Here's why a sphere is a more empowering and freeing metaphor:
1. Holistic Nature
- A sphere has no hard edges or corners, symbolizing flexibility and adaptability.
- It can roll and move in any direction, much like how your niche can expand and adapt as you grow.
2. Inclusiveness
- A sphere represents wholeness, suggesting your niche integrates all your passions, skills, and values.
- It doesn't confine you to one perspective but allows a well-rounded approach.
3. Dynamic Potential
- Spheres have infinite points on their surface, symbolizing the infinite ways you can connect with others or evolve your offerings.
- They suggest movement and energy, like rolling forward into new opportunities.
Alternative Empowering Shapes
- Spiral: Represents growth, evolution, and deepening over time. Your niche might begin at a small center and expand outward, embracing new ideas while staying connected to your core purpose.
- Tree: A living niche, with roots in your values, a trunk of core strengths, and branches reaching out to various audiences or methods of expression.
- Wave: Fluid, adaptable, and flowing, showing that niches can shift like the tides while maintaining rhythm and harmony.
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