5 min read

Finding your Authentic Voice

Finding your Authentic Voice
Photo by Jason Rosewell / Unsplash
This rabbit shows up as a sign, as an invitation to another world like Alice in Wonderland, where you can find your Authentic Voice.

Embracing Life "Not by The Book"

Hey, this is Ben Cassani. Today, I want to dive deep into a concept I call “Not by the Book.” This concept is about discovering and embracing your authentic self and voice—living your life with energy and joy driven by an internal force of passion and purpose.

This idea surfaced when a friend of mine struggled profoundly to connect with his true self, to listen to his inner voice. I've seen this challenge in many friends and clients who feel stuck, trapped in patterns that prevent them from realizing their potential. They know that if they could just tap into their authentic energy, they’d find joy and take actions that align with their true desires. So, I hope to help you harness this internal power and offer tools to develop what I call your “authentic self muscle.” If you feel confused or stuck, this blog is for you.

Setting Intentions and Finding Clarity

The first step in this journey is simple: set an intention and state your desire for something better. Imagine using a magnifying glass to hone in on what you truly want. This requires turning off external noise and voices, and tuning in to your heart, soul, and intuition. This introspective journey might begin with activities like journaling or even a peaceful outing, like paddleboarding on a lake, to reset the mind. As you start to ask the right questions and get intuitive hits, you’ll begin piecing together your unique puzzle.

boy riding on surfboard holding black boat oats during daytime
Photo by Ben White / Unsplash

The Law of Creation: See Say Feel Do

"see, say, feel, do"

In a book called The Law of Creation, there’s a model called See Say Feel Do Do that I find profoundly clarifying. Often, advice we encounter can be likened to a seesaw—either tipping too far one way or the other. By understanding the full picture—both what's visible above the surface and what lies hidden beneath—we can better place ourselves in the map of life. This model helps each of us find a unique way of doing things “not by the book.”

Understanding the Four Areas of Creation

We operate within four realms: spiritual, intellectual, social-emotional, and physical.

Two Minds ​

Our spiritual mind fuels imagination and joy I call this the "Spirit-Mind"

Our intellectual mind facilitates communication and conceptualization. "Material-Mind"

Two Bodies / Containers

The social-emotional body (energy body or energy container) governs our relationships and feelings toward others. Lastly, the physical body (material container) drives practical actions and bodily movements.

Like an iceberg, most of this lies below the surface, yet it all contributes to our overall wellness and function. One cannot focus solely on the “doing” part without nurturing the other areas beneath or behind the scenes.

The 4 Areas

Element Description
Physical - Sensing Physical Body - “Stature” - Physical,Sensory, Hands on
Intellectual - Thinking Material-Mind - "Wisdom” - Analytical Material Mind
Social - Feeling Spirit/Energy Body - “in Favor with People” - Energetic Body
Spiritual - Intuition Spirit-Mind “Increased in Favor with God” - "Spirit-Mind"

Grounding and the Power of Nature

Grounding is essential. Whether through meditation, being in nature, or visiting a sacred space, grounding helps clear your mind and reduce external pressures, leading to sharper thinking and intuitive clarity.

Journaling and Finding Your Inner Voice

Whether you’re introverted or extroverted, journaling is a powerful tool. It helps you articulate thoughts, uncover patterns, and reflect on your inner voice. Recognizing your inner ability to express authentically and learning to trust it are vital steps. Regularly sharing your thoughts, even with a trusted friend, further nurtures this process.

Analyzing Triggers and Values

Triggers can be our greatest teachers. Rather than viewing them negatively, see them as opportunities to understand your values better. Triggers highlight our internal beliefs and reactions. By analyzing and understanding these, you can align your actions more closely with your true self.

Empowering Questions and Meditation

Asking empowering questions and engaging in regular meditation can shift your focus and energies towards creativity and solutions. Find people who uplift you and help you express your authentic voice without judgment.

Final Thoughts

Embracing your authentic self is a journey of trust and introspection. Trust that you’re here for a purpose, that you’re supported by the universe or any higher power you believe in. You have the power to grow, succeed, and find your genuine voice.

Thank you for reading. Trust yourself, and remember—you are part of a divine plan. God bless. Take care.

Follow your Rabbit!
white snow mountain
Photo by Isaac Demeester / Unsplash
See, Say, Feel, Do. We often are not aware of what's below the surface of our creation process. We often only recognize the Do or what's physically above the water line.

How do I learn more?

"Find Your Rabbit"

Step 1: Personality Test

For a free personality test that can help you understand your Authentic Voice check out: https://www.16personalities.com/

Free personality test, type descriptions, relationship and career advice | 16Personalities

Step 2: Google your cognitive stack

i.e. ENFP cognitive stack

Step 3: Learn the Symbols

N = Intuition, F = Feelings, T = Thinking, S = Sensory

Step 4: Ask yourself where is this pattern true?

Where in your life do you feel energized? Where do you feel drained or triggered?
Where in life do you feel your back cognitive function (subconscious) helps you connect to God/Universe?
