Ⓜ️ Model - 3 Pillars of Success 🏛️
Say it with me...
Clarity + Map + Alignment
equals SUCCESS
Why: Purpose
Without a clear vision, effective tools, and internal alignment, achieving lasting happiness and success can feel impossible. This strategy brings together three essential steps—Focus, Tools, and Alignment—to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be. By addressing both external goals and internal conflicts, you unlock your full potential to take meaningful action and achieve results.
What: Definition
Step 2: Tools, Models & Strategies 🔨 + 👤 + 🗺️
Step 3: Resolve Inner Conflicts 🧠 + 💖 + 💪
Step 1: Focus 🎯
" Get Focused and Clear"
- Focused: Know your target. Be specific.
- Clear: Gain crystal-clear clarity.
- Compelling: Believe your goal is possible. Feel excited and energized about it.
Q: Do you focus on compelling, specific things within your control? Are you crystal clear about what you want?
Chloe explains that this is about being "crystal clear about what you want to experience every day, or are you fixated on fears and uncertainties?"
Clarity and focus are the foundation of success. When you know exactly what you want and why it matters, you can pursue your goals with purpose and confidence. Without this, achieving lasting happiness becomes a guessing game.
Beware of significance traps. Seeking validation through comparison can create illusions of progress but leave you unfulfilled.
Resolve internal conflicts. Your passion will require risk-taking, but this is necessary for true integration and success.
Step 2: Strategies & Tools 🔨🗺️
"Use the Best Tools for Results"
- Leverage the best pathway: Tools, Models, and Coaches.
- 🔨 Find and use the best tools
- 👤 Model someone who is already achieving the results you want.
- 🗺️ Create a clear blueprint or map.
As Chloe states, "If you want to be successful at something, you need to clearly know which strategies work and which ones don't work." This involves understanding your day-to-day emotional patterns and habits.
The goal of the actions you use now are to break the habit of whatever feeling leads to your client sabotaging his/her health. We need to help our clients replace a negative habit with a positive habit. This is how change is made easy.
A compelling vision is only the beginning. To bridge the gap between your current situation and your dreams, you need effective strategies and proven tools that deliver results efficiently.
1 - Human Needs Analysis
2 - Boredom Action
3 - Ordeal Task
Step 3: Resolve Inner Conflicts 🧠 + 💖 + 💪
"Get Aligned and Take Consistent Action"
- Alignment: Head (thoughts), Heart (emotions), and Action (behaviors) must work together.
- Integration: Uncover and resolve internal conflicts such as conflicting beliefs, meanings, rules, and emotions.
- Consistency: Alignment makes action feel natural and progress inevitable.
Chloe explains that "if you have an inner conflict that prevents you from accessing your true power to create change in your life, real change will never happen."
Even with the best plans, inner conflicts can hold you back. When every part of you is aligned, you unlock the power to take consistent action and sustain momentum.
As a coach, guide your client to challenge the comfort and certainty they associate with overeating or unhealthy eating. Use thought-provoking questions to shift their perspective and foster self-awareness:
- "How much of your favorite foods are sitting in your body right now?"
- "What are these foods?"
- "What else is there along with these favorite foods?" (This tells you about the foods your client overeats even though they may not really like them.)
- "Are there any healthy foods there too? Where did they go?"
Tony is helping Beverley gain leverage to change. By discussing the colon, he shocks Beverley with the unpleasant image of her undigested food so that she'll want to stop abusing her body. Through teasing Beverley about “chewing being a doing” he provokes her to become strong. When she is courageous, she isn't hiding from her body. She says, "We're gonna get rid of the fat; we might as well see it." This happens when it becomes tiring to hide from your problem. It is the turning point for Beverley. Tony congratulates her and gives her a kiss. Tony asks her, "Who stepped up here?" Beverley goes on to talk about the courageous little person inside of her.
Tell me more...
What is a Boredom Action?
Give your client specific boredom homework.
- Tell them: "This week I want you to make a date with yourself to be bored.
- Instead of eating to distract yourself, you will ____________________,”
- (whatever you have decided together; for example, read a magazine, knit, garden, call a friend.)
- How Long: The bored homework should last only half an hour so that it is manageable.
What is an Ordeal Task?
A Milton Erickson ordeal task is a therapeutic technique designed to create significant effort or challenge for a client, leading them to resolve their issue indirectly. Erickson, a pioneering hypnotherapist, used ordeal tasks to motivate clients by making the "solution" to their problem easier than continuing the behavior or facing the task.
Key Features:
- Challenging but Achievable: The task is deliberately difficult, requiring effort, focus, or discomfort to accomplish.
- Problem Resolution: Completing the task indirectly addresses or shifts the client's issue by fostering new perspectives or behaviors.
- Therapeutic Intent: The task's purpose is to help the client take responsibility for change and engage deeply with the therapeutic process.
If a client struggles with insomnia, Erickson might suggest they stay awake all night deliberately. The task reframes their resistance, often leading to natural sleep because the effort to comply becomes exhausting. Use wise judgement and maturity in giving "an ordeal directive" to a client.
The ordeal task leverages paradox, effort, and personal responsibility to promote meaningful change.
For More Ideas see: BJ Fogg Behavior Change Expert

Homework: For New Coaches
- Reflect on your own clarity:
- What is your ultimate goal as a coach?
- How clear and compelling is your vision?
- Practice creating a map:
- Identify a client’s goal and draft a step-by-step pathway to achieve it.
- Work on alignment:
- Identify a personal or professional conflict you’ve experienced.
- Journal or discuss how you resolved it, or plan how you will.
- Learn from others:
- Find a mentor or coach who inspires you and study their methods.
- Read a book or watch a video related to goal-setting and alignment.
Related Information and Resources
- Books:
- Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins
- Atomic Habits by James Clear
- Courses:
- Tony Robbins’ Date with Destiny
- Brooke Snow’s Creation Course
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