1 min read

Don't Eject - Keep Serving!

Don't Eject - Keep Serving!

Keep Serving, Even When Fear Kicks In

Imagine fear as an ejection seat in a fighter jet. When danger is imminent, it’s a lifesaver—propelling you out of harm's way and giving you the urgency to act. The initial jolt of fear, like the pull of the ejection handle, gets you out of a dangerous situation, much like a warning flare that lights up the path ahead, revealing threats and obstacles. But just as you can't fly a plane by constantly ejecting, you can’t navigate life by staying in a state of fear. It’s an emergency response, not a sustainable way to soar. To truly fly, you need the calm, steady hand on the controls, guiding you forward with purpose, not panic.

Today, even though I wasn’t feeling fully energized to coach, I showed up—and that made all the difference. My presence alone provided the support and guidance two individuals needed to overcome challenges they were facing. Sometimes, it’s not about having the perfect energy but about being there. That commitment positively impacted their lives in ways I couldn’t have predicted.

Special thanks to my daughter, who posed at the Air Force museum for this post! Keep serving, keep showing up—you never know the difference you’re making. Speed is

Hey Ben, thank YOU for the unforgettable coaching today!

Struggling with Confidence? Check out: How do I get Confidence?

"I feel the need, the need for speed." — Maverick