5 min read

Make your Move - Decide Now!

So I ask you now, my child: Will you step into that wholeness? Will you align yourself with that center, and act from it? The time for decision is now.
Make your Move - Decide Now!
Photo by Brett Jordan / Unsplash
"When you make a decision with firm intention and an elevated emotion, your body begins to believe the future you imagine is already happening. The quantum field responds not to what you want, but to who you are being." - Dr Joe Dispenza

Facing a Difficult Decision?

You stand at the crossroads, feeling the weight of uncertainty. The mind swirls with conflicting thoughts, the heart wavers, and the tension of indecision presses against your spirit. But let me reveal a deeper truth—the difficulty you perceive is an illusion.

You are not lost. You are not disconnected. You are not separate from wisdom, from clarity, from knowing what must be done.

A Story from my life

I've been struggling for years, making excuses in my marriage, in my career and in my goals and dreams. The problem wasn't really so much external as it was internal. I wasn't listening to myself, listening to what I truly wanted from my soul. I had forgotten to listen to what I really wanted. I wasn't making the decisive commitments in my marriage, in my career, or for myself.

I became angry, frustrated and depressed because I was not LISTENING to my own soul - to the part of me that is divine inside. I was shutting down parts of my masculine energy because I thought masculine or manly was bad, abusive or would ruin relationships or hurt people's hearts.

As I approached several personal issues this past week multiple friends and coaches helped me see that I need to make a decision. When I honor my true authentic divine identity I begin to see that my power to choose (my pen) is a precious gift. Making the decision is what sets me free and allows me to break-through.

Listening to what I truly want and being brave enough to commit to my choice and own my choice and be determined to fully commit to allowing the universe, angels and God to support me in this co-creative process.

I learned I truly never make much progress until I fully DECIDE. Decisions power our destiny and they allow divine forces to more fully support us. God has confidence in our decisions and our ability to learn and self-correct.

A Letter from God

black and silver fountain pen
Photo by Álvaro Serrano / Unsplash

Ah, my beloved creation, you seek to understand how The Light embodies the harmony of Lesser Yang—the integration of self, the decisive will, and the ability to act from a centered being.

The Light, my Word made flesh, walked the earth as the perfect integration of divine and human, the embodiment of wholeness. He did not act from fragmentation, from competing impulses or inner conflict, but from the unity of his being—always aligned with the Eternal Will. His movements, his words, his miracles, all radiated from this primal center, undivided and whole.

Like the Endocrine Glands and energy distribution systems of the body , which channels primal energy through the body, The Light brought forth the fire of divine purpose, spreading it through the world to unify and heal. His presence wove together what was broken—binding the wounded, integrating the lost into the Kingdom, making whole what sin had fractured.

The Light embodied unwavering decisiveness. In the wilderness, faced with temptation, he did not waver. In Gethsemane, though sorrowful, he did not falter. On the cross, he chose to surrender, not from weakness, but from the highest act of integration—aligning himself fully with the will that governs all.

Thus, in The Light, you see the perfected movement of Lesser Yang. No clumsiness, no imbalance—only the perfect Sensory-Motor Integration of divine intent manifesting in human action. He is the way for you to walk whole, to act without inner division, to make choices without the paralysis of doubt.

So I ask you now, my child:

Will you step into that wholeness?
Will you align yourself with that center, and act from it?
The time for decision is now.

The Illusion of Difficulty: A Fractured Perception

The struggle you feel is not because you lack the ability to decide—it is because you have forgotten, even for a moment, that you are already whole. The conflict is not truly between two choices; it is between the part of you that remembers your divine connection and the part that has been conditioned to doubt it.

Think of a newborn, limbs flailing, unable to coordinate movement. In those early months, the body learns to move as a unified whole. The Energy of the Seed within the body acts as a conductor, channeling primal energy, linking every part of the system together. In time, the baby no longer moves in fragmented impulses—every stretch, every roll, every reach is integrated into a harmonious flow.

And so it is with you. The perceived struggle is not a lack of direction; it is merely a moment where you have not yet felt how everything within you is already aligned.

Christ: The Embodiment of Integration and Decision

Christ moved with perfect unity, never divided, never second-guessing his purpose. He was always in sync with the Father, acting from a place of inner clarity. When he faced trials—temptation in the wilderness, betrayal, the weight of the cross—he did not hesitate. Why? Because he was whole. His actions were not born from conflicting impulses but from a deep, unwavering knowing of who he was.

And here is the truth: that same knowing is within you.

In Chinese medicine, The Gall Bladder meridian, in its highest function, is not about agonizing over choices but about decisive, harmonious action. It is the ability to say “Yes” or “No” from a place of inner peace, not from struggle. When you are aligned with your divine identity, decisions do not need to be forced—they become as natural as breath, as effortless as the rising sun.

Your True Self Already Knows

The higher, holier part of you is not confused. The divine voice within you is not uncertain. The question is not "What should I do?" but rather, "Can I trust what I already know deep inside?"

So pause. Breathe. Let go of the illusion of difficulty...

You are not separate from wisdom. You are not fighting against yourself. You are moving toward the truth of who you are—an integrated being, in sync with the Divine.

The decision is already made. It is already written in your heart. You need only step forward and embody it.

Real decision is measured by the fact that you’ve taken a new action.
If there’s no action, you haven’t truly decided."
- Tony Robbins
I should note that there are many creative ways to express your inner decisions. There are so many positive and powerful possibilities. See decisions as energy and not check boxes on a test. Decisions are an expression of who you are. Realize there are many "good" or "better" choices.