3 min read

Ⓜ️ Model - 6 Human Needs

The quality of our lives depends on what needs we value most.
Ⓜ️ Model - 6 Human Needs
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo / Unsplash

Why - Purpose:

To understand the driving force behind why people do what they do: everything people do, they do in an attempt to fulfill their 6 Human Needs.

The Driving Force

What - Definition:

These 6 Human Needs are the basis of Human Needs Psychology. How people fulfill these needs determines the quality of their lives.

What are the 6 Human Needs?

  1. Certainty
  2. Significance
  3. Uncertainty / Variety
  4. Love / Connection
  5. Growth
  6. Contribution

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What does Tony Say?

- https://www.tonyrobbins.com/blog/do-you-need-to-feel-significant

Tell me more:

The first four are essential to human survival.
The last two are essential to human fulfillment.


  • 1. 🏔️ Certainty: assurance you can avoid pain and gain pleasure
  • 2. 🏅Significance: feeling unique, important, special or needed-
  • 3. 🆕 Uncertainty/Variety: the need for the unknown, change, new stimuli
  • 4. 💞 Connection/Love: a strong feeling of closeness or union with someone or something -


  • The last two are essential to human fulfillment.
  • 5. 🌱 Growth: an expansion of capacity, capability or understanding
  • 6. 🌳 Contribution: a sense of service and focus on helping, giving to and supporting others

The Paradoxes

How to Use This Model in Coaching

  • Identify which of the 6 needs is driving your client’s behavior.
  • Ask guiding questions to uncover which need they value most.
  • Tailor your coaching strategies based on which need is most important to your client.
  • For example: your client smokes, ask them why they smoke.
    • they might say I feel overwhelmed by the stress, anxiety, or other feelings
    • then ask, what are those feelings you are overwhelmed about...
    • Let's say they answer: I'm overwhelmed about my future
    • Oh what do you really want to do in your future?
    • Oh I want to be a life coach who helps people with exercise, but it doesn't make enough money
    • Oh is that really true?
    • Well maybe not 100% true
    • Oh so it sounds like you are overwhelmed because you haven't explored your dream job and what that would mean to you?
  • Or another question: how could you change your state when you feel overwhelmed in the morning instead of smoking.
    • A: oh I could exercise and workout, that makes me feel good.

Example Questions for Each Need

  • Certainty: "What makes you feel most secure in your life?"
  • Variety: "When was the last time you tried something new and exciting?"
  • Significance: "What achievements make you feel the most proud?"
  • Love/Connection: "Who do you feel closest to in your life?"
  • Growth: "What areas of your life do you feel are growing or need growth?"
  • Contribution: "How do you like to give back or help others?"


  1. Perception
  • What you notice, appreciate, or believe
  1. Procedure
  • Vehicles or approach


for the brave and intellectually curious

Six Human Needs: Certainty | Family Matters
There are six human needs you must satisfy. Here’s why & how to fulfill the emotional needs in your life, starting with the basic need for certainty


I discovered that when I coupled the findings of the 6HNs with the Big Five Temperaments, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and other aptitude, gifts/talents, and Values quiz results, that we could build a refined Goal Achievement Framework that the client felt was both revolutionary, yet simple. They finally knew how/why they did/do what they do. And now they knew where they were at and could craft a better vision of what they wanted or would rather have in their lives. - Curtis Mitchell Rasmussen
